How to Clean Your Sword in Kingdom Come Deliverance

If you’re anything like me, you’ve walked around with a dirty and bloodied sword for almost the entirety of your time spent playing the game. But it doesn’t have to be like this. Henry is perfectly capable of cleaning his sword so he’s always looking at his best in battle. 

Read on to learn how to clean your sword in Kingdom Come Deliverance. 


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How to Clean Your Sword

You may have to clean your sword after battle
You may have to clean your sword after battle

There are a few ways to clean your sword in KCD, with each of them being very easy to perform. To clean your sword you can:

  • Visit a bathhouse.
    Many reports have suggested that visiting a bathhouse doesn’t work for removing the bloodstains from your sword, but that’s not true.
    You just have to pay for the full service, if you catch my drift. Okay, I’ll just say it. Pay for a wench, and everything that goes with that. If you do that, your sword will be cared for and you can go about your day with a smile on your face. Pun intended.
  • Find a blacksmith.
    Every town has its own swordsmith or blacksmith, and if you need to clean your sword fast, just pay them a quick visit and they’ll do a repair job for you.
    The unfortunate thing with this method, though, is that you can pay a hefty amount of money for the service, especially if you have multiple weapons (and armor) that need repairing. 
  • Use a grindstone.
    If you’re low on coins, though, don’t worry. There’s still a way to clean your sword without spending anything.
    All you have to do is seek out a Grindstone. Using a grindstone may seem a bit tricky if it’s your first time doing it, but it’s actually quite simple. Check below to read more about it. 

NOTE: Using a blacksmith’s repair kit does not remove the blood from your sword. 

How to Use the Grindstone in Kingdom Come Deliverance

Using the Grindstone
Using the Grindstone

Locating a grindstone is fairly easy. There are plenty littered around the map, but the best place to find one is at a blacksmith. 

Once located, you can clean your sword by interacting with the Grindstone and selecting the weapon that you want to clean/repair. The health of the weapon is indicated by the column with the heart symbol. 

After selecting the weapon, you need to angle it slightly, apply some pressure, and spin the wheel of the grindstone. Move the weapon from side to side along the grindstone. 

You should see sparks coming off your sword, which indicates that you’re doing things correctly. If there was blood on your sword, that will also be gone now, too. 

Where to Wash Your Clothes?

Clean all of your equipment at the local bathhouse
Clean all of your equipment at the local bathhouse

If you’ve started to get some funny looks and less-than-nice comments about your cleanliness, you probably need to have a wash and clean your clothes. 

A bathhouse is the best place to do this, as you can pay to launder your clothes for a relatively low price (if you’re not getting any extras thrown in there with it…). 

Alternatively, if you just need a quick splash to wash away the worst of the grime, interact with one of the many troughs found throughout the game. Just be warned that this won’t give you the thorough wash that you may desire, and the effects of this quick wash will wear off fairly quickly. 

Get in Touch

So, now you know how to clean your sword in Kingdom Come Deliverance, which method do you usually choose? Or do you even bother doing it at all? Let us know in the comment section below!

For any enquiries, contact me at

If you’re still struggling with how to clean your sword in Kingdom Come Deliverance, check out the great video below on YouTube by PrimaGamesVideo.

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