All 3 Pioneer Cemetery Infestation Nest Locations – Days Gone

Got stuck trying to find one of the Pioneer Cemetery infestation nest locations? Don’t worry, it seems like a fairly common problem in Days Gone

To make life easier, we’ve mapped out the three nest sites for you, along with tips on how to approach each nest. 

The Pioneer Cemetery is one of the first locations that you come to during the game if you follow the early Out of Nowhere quest to find Leon’s stash by the Angel Statue. The sites may look close according to the above map picture, but they are actually quite spread out and it can be easy to miss one of the infestations. 

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Pioneer Cemetery Infestation Nest Locations 

Nest 1 – South-west

South-west infestation nest - Pioneer Cemetery
South-west infestation nest – Pioneer Cemetery

The first infestation nest will be the first one you encounter as you travel towards the Pioneer Cemetery from the south-west. 

As you enter the southern part of the infestation area, a house is located just off the road to your left. There are usually a fair number of infected on the main road, too, indicating that you are near the nest. 

Nest 2 – East

East infestation nest - Pioneer Cemetery
East infestation nest – Pioneer Cemetery

The second Pioneer Cemetery Infestation nest location is the easternmost nest and is situated slightly to the east of the angel statue in the cemetery. 

The nest is found inside a large red barn, and you can easily see it from afar so throwing a molotov from a reasonable distance will allow for a quick escape if desired. 

Some people have reported a bug at this infestation site, and even after clearing the nest, Deacon may comment that another nest is nearby. Don’t worry though, there is only one nest here, and the other locations are indicated in this article. 

Nest 3 – North

North infestation nest - Pioneer Cemetery
North infestation nest – Pioneer Cemetery

The final nest is the one that took me the longest to find as it is slightly away from the cemetery on a raised bit of land that overlooks Pioneer Cemetery. This is the northernmost nest in the cemetery. 

The nest is located inside a small barn with a side porch. It’s hard to miss as there will be infected around the area waiting to attack. It’s best to take out these guys silently before torching the building. There is also a blue car next to the building which can help you identify the correct site. 

Get in Touch

If you’re still struggling to find the Pioneer Cemetery infestation nest locations, you might find this Days Gone interactive map useful. Here you will find all of the nest sites, in addition to every other quest map indicator that will help you get to 100% completion. 

For any enquiries, contact

If you’d rather watch a video to find the Pioneer Cemetery infestation nest locations, Gamerpillar has a great YouTube video that you can watch below. 

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