Golden Axe 3 – Is It Really As Bad As People Say?

Golden Axe 3 Review

Everyone of a certain age remembers the original hack-and-slash Golden Axe game of 1989. The story followed the characters of Gilius, Ax, and Tyris in their quest to exact revenge on the villainous Death Adder. Its sequel, Golden Axe 2 (1991), followed the same heroes as they dealt with fresh evil in the form of … Read more

The Hardest Streets of Rage Bosses: Ranked

The Hardest Streets of Rage Bosses

Some bosses were easy, and some not so much. But which were the hardest Streets of Rage bosses in the Sega Genesis classic from 1991? We’ve rounded up all 6 of the different bosses and ranked them from the easiest to the most difficult. Let us know if you agree in the comment section below.  … Read more

The Golden Axe Characters: Ranked

Golden Axe characters ranked

Whenever beat ‘em up games are discussed, my mind always jumps to the 1989 classic for the Sega Genesis, Golden Axe. With an endearing aesthetic and a catchy, nostalgic soundtrack, this side-scrolling hack & slash can compete with the best, and the Golden Axe characters add to the magic.  But which character is the best? … Read more