The Best Weapons in Kingdom Come Deliverance – All 9 Weapon Types

Finding, and maintaining, good weapons in Kingdom Come Deliverance is a rewarding experience that makes the game’s already great battle system even better.

It’s always nice when you find your own trusty sword that has grown used to cutting through Cumans found within the Kingdom of Bohemia. Sometimes, though, you just want the best weapons you can find for the job, and hopefully this will help you find them. Read on for the best weapons in Kingdom Come Deliverance, including where to find them. 


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What are the best weapons in Kingdom Come Deliverance? 

The Best Axe in KCD

Metal-plated battle axe icon - KCD
Metal-plated battle axe icon – KCD

The best axe in the game is the Metal-Plated Battle Axe. Rather confusingly, there are two axes with the exact same name. Both are great weapons, but the one we I refer to here is the spiked Metal-plated battle axe (see above picture). 

The Metal-plated battle axe has great Stab (27), Slash (42), and Blunt (40) damage. It also has good Durability (70).

The Best Bow in KCD

Yew Longbow - KCD
Yew Longbow – KCD

The best Bow in Kingdom Come Deliverance is the Yew Longbow, which can be bought from Berthold the huntsman in Rattay, or located in the Treasure Map I chest. 

The Yew Longbow has a devastating 77 Power stat, which is higher than any other bow. It is, however, also the most expensive bow in the game, and is worth 553.4 Groschen. 

Not only is the Yew Longbow one of the best bows, but it also looks beautiful too.

The Best Dagger in KCD

Ornamental Dagger Icon
Ornamental Dagger Icon

The Dagger only becomes useful once Henry unlocks the Stalk Kill Perk after reaching Stealth level 5. 

There are only two types of usable daggers in the game, too. The regular Dagger is one, and the other is the Ornamental Dagger.

The best dagger in KCD is the Ornamental Dagger, which can be found in the Sasau Monastery during the A Needle in a Haystack quest. After finding the dagger in the dormitories, the Worldy Goods quest will be activated. 

The Best Sabre in KCD

Find the Decorated Sabre at Menhart's grave
Find the Decorated Sabre at Menhart’s grave

Sabres are among the weakest weapons in KCD, with the only real advantage being that they show up abundantly due to being carried in huge quantities by the Cumans. 

The best Sabre in Kingdom Come Deliverance is the Decorated Sabre whichh has high Stab (58) and Slash (42) damage, along with a decent Defence stat (69). It can be found from the grave of Menhart after the All that Glisters quest. 

Note: Technically, the best Sabre in the game is the Oriental Blade, but this wasn’t included in the list as it is unobtainable without cheat codes.   

The Best Shortsword in KCD

The Stinger has great Stab damage
The Stinger has great Stab damage

Shortswords are many people’s first choice of weapon type in the game due to the fact that you can hold a shield at the same time, and the fact that there are a wide array of shortswords available in the game. 

The best shortsword in KCD, in my opinion, is the Noble Sword. It is a great all-rounder and has good Stab (61), Slash (61), Defence (75), and Charisma (18) attributes. It can be found by locating the chest in Treasure map XIII, or as loot from defeating Hagen Zoul.

There are a number of good shortswords, though, and the Stinger is also one of the best weapons in Kingdom Come Deliverance, with a high Stab damage of 79. 

The Best Hunting Sword in KCD

The Noble's Hunting Sword - KCD
The Noble’s Hunting Sword – KCD

The best Hunting Sword in KCD is the Noble’s Hunting Sword. It has the highest Stab damage (48) and the second highest Slash damage (43) of all the hunting swords in the game. 

Not only that, but the weapon also provides huge benefits to Charisma (12) and is an excellent defensive weapon (86). 

The Noble’s Hunting Sword can be bought from the Rattay Swordsmith, awarded as a prize in the Rattay Tourney, or by locating the chest in Treasure Map III.  

Other great hunting swords include the Falchion, and the Cleaver.

The Best Longsword in KCD

Location of St. George's Sword in KCD
Location of St. George’s Sword in KCD

The best Longsword in Kingdom Come Deliverance is St. George’s Sword. In fact, for many, St. George’s Sword is at the top of the pile of the best weapons in Kingdom Come Deliverance

This longsword is a good all-rounder with excellent attributes, including Stab (72), Slash (72), Defence (110), Charisma (18), and Durability (71).  St. George’s Sword can be found using the Treasure Map VII, and is located in a chest by a tree north west of Ledetchko (see picture above). It can also be awarded as a prize in the Rattay Tourney. 

The Best Mace in KCD

A table of Maces - Kingdom Come Deliverance
A table of Maces – Kingdom Come Deliverance

Maces are easily among the best weapons in Kingdom Come Deliverance, and the best Mace in KCD is widely considered to be the Cermonial Mace

It has the joint best Blunt damage (61) of all the Maces in the game, but also has a very high Defence attribute (43) and Durability (81). The Ceremonial Mace can be found on various guards, and can also be bought at the Swordsmith of Rattay. 

Another very good Mace is the Bailiff’s Mace, which has the following attributes: Blunt (61), Stab (2), Slash (2), Defence (30), and Durability (55). 

The Best Polearm/Spear in KCD

Halberds in Pirkenstein Guard Tower
Halberds in Pirkenstein Guard Tower

Although Polearms and Spears can’t be added to your inventory, it’s always good when you find one lying around or snatch one that has been dropped by an enemy. 

They are among the most powerful and best weapons in Kingdom Come Deliverance, with some having the potential to cause almost twice the damage of most Maces and Swords. 

The best Polearm in the game is the Halberd, which has good Stab (100), Slash (122), and Blunt (28) damage. The Halberd can be found in Rattay, inside Pirkenstein’s guard tower. 

Another very strong Polearm is the Lucerne Hammer, which deals the highest Blunt (87) damage of any weapon in the entire game. 

Get in Touch

So, these are the best weapons in Kingdom Come Deliverance according to the weapon type, but what is your favorite KCD weapon? Let us know in the comment section below!

For any enquiries, contact me at

For a more in depth weapons guide for Kingdom Come Deliverance, check out the great YouTube video below by Callisto. 

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