How to Drop Trinkets in the Binding of Isaac (All Consoles)

Trinkets can give you the edge in BOI and can sometimes be the difference between winning a run or not. The likes of the Cracked Crown, Cancer, and Curved Horn particularly stand out as great trinkets, particularly if you’ve got some great tear synergies to go along with them. 

Every so often, though, you’ll come across trinkets that you’ll want to get rid of as soon as possible (Cursed Skull, Butt Penny, Mom’s Toenail, etc). It took me a while to realise that it was even possible to drop them, and we don’t want you to make the same mistake. Here’s how to drop trinkets in the Binding of Isaac, with instructions for each console. 

How to Drop Trinkets

BOI Cracked Crown Trinket
BOI Cracked Crown Trinket
  • How to Drop Trinkets on the PC

Dropping a trinket on the PC is as simple as holding down the CTRL key for about 5 seconds. It is the same button that allows you to switch between different consumables, but pressing for longer will drop all trinkets. 

  • How to Drop Trinkets on the PS4

For the PS4, you also use the same button that you would for switching between consumables if you have more than one. In this case it is the R2 button. Simply hold the R2 button for roughly 5 seconds. 

  • How to Drop Trinkets on the Xbox

For the Xbox, press down the RT button for around 5 seconds to drop trinkets. 

  • How to Drop Trinkets on the Switch 

For the Switch, hold down the ZR button for 5 seconds to remove a trinket from your inventory. 

Related: The best Binding of Isaac characters to play as

Can you drop cards and pills in BOI?

Isaac Consumables and Trinkets
Isaac Consumables and Trinkets

Dropping cards and pills in the Binding of Isaac is exactly the same as dropping trinkets. In fact, if you follow the instructions above according to the device, you will drop all cards, pills. Runes, and trinkets (unless you are holding the Tick trinket).

After dropping the particular item you need, simply pick up the remaining items that you want to keep and be on your way. 

Can you drop active items in BOI?

BOI Butter Trinket
BOI Butter Trinket

There is only one way you can drop active items in the Binding of Isaac. For this, you will need to have the Butter trinket. With the butter trinket in your inventory, simply use the active item in order to drop it on the floor. This can be especially useful in a room with a reroll machine. 

Having an active item with no recharge time (such as How to Jump?) will allow you to create multiple pedestals on the floor, and you can use Diplopia to take advantage of this by gaining items from the doubled pedestals. 

The only other way to remove an active item from your inventory is to swap it with another active item on a pedestal. 

Get in Touch

Do you have any other quick tips for the Binding of Isaac? Let us know in the comment section below. If you enjoyed reading this, you may enjoy reading about how to unlock Apollyon.  

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